In Notisum can you list of laws completely customized according to your wishes and needs. Our customers often have an existing list of laws in their own systems, eg in Word or Excel. If you have such a list in the current situation, we can assist you with getting converted this to Notisum. This way we can emulate the structure as you already have today, and the transition will be smooth because of this new time- and cost-effective approach.
You can then themselves or with our help, gradually changing laglistans looks and features so that you lagbevakning become more transparent and better suited to the structure of your company looks like. Notisum is a flexible tool that can be adapted to your needs.
You can have up to eight custom columns in each list, where you can enter text such as how you are affected by a particular law, how you comply with it, and who is responsible. You can also create your own headlines that you can categorize different documents with the same focus in the same headline. You can also link to your procedures and the responsible persons at your company. The possibilities are many, and we will help you in finding the best solution for you.
A list may include the following:
- Laws & Regulations
(Notisum monitors the entire Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Finnish legislation) - European law
(Notisum monitors EC directives and EC regulations) - Government Regulations
- Municipal regulations
(Notisum monitors environmental regulations for all the municipalities) - Own texts
(For example, binding requirements, conditions or procedures)
We have also standardized lawlists that is very popular tool to build upon for the companies that do not already have an existing list of laws. We at Notisum maintain these examples of lists of laws running. These are designed, among other topics of environmental, health and safety, waste, food, health care and many more. Please contact us.
Notisum comments and summarizes all Swedish, Danish and Norwegian laws and regulations in the environmental and health and safety, and many other documents. We comment as well all the changes taking place in the laws and requirements of the environment and working environment. Our comments will help you to easily and quickly understand whether a change affects your business.
You receive e-mail when it will change the laws and requirements in your laglistor. When it is an important change for your company, so can you, as head administrator Send this change on to stakeholders in your organization who can then receive confirmation that the change has been received and implemented. This allows the administrator to make sure that everyone is taking part out of the change and so ensure that you meet the demands of your business.